Le gant rythmique

Le but du projet du gant rythmique était de créer un gant où chaque doigt, en se touchant, permettraient de créer de la musique à l’aide d’un logiciel de MAO type Ableton.

Dans un premier temps, nous avons réalisé des capteurs de pressions en tissu permettant de générer l’interaction du bout des doigts pour ensuite rattacher les valeurs obtenus à arduino, puis à ableton.



code et documentation :

doc =>>> midi-drum-glove

Code :


#define LED 7 // Pin for heartbeat LED (shows code is working)

#define CHANNEL 1 // MIDI channel number

int note;

const int indexFinger = A9; // the piezo is connected to analog pin 9 (aka D9)

const int middleFinger = A7; // the piezo is connected to analog pin 7 (aka D6)

const int thumb = A10; // the piezo is connected to analog pin 10 (aka D10)

const int pinkyFinger = A11; // the piezo is connected to analog pin 11 (aka D12)

const int pins[] = {thumb, indexFinger, middleFinger, pinkyFinger};

//char Keys[] = {‘z’,’x’,’c’,’v’};

boolean currentPressed[] = {false, false, false, false};

const int threshold = 40; // threshold value to decide when the detected sound is a knock or not

void setup()


pinMode(LED, OUTPUT);

// We dont have Serial or Keyboard available in MIDI mode!!!

//while (!Serial)


//Serial.println(« start »);



void loop()


for (int i=0;i<4;i++) {


long total1 = 0;

long start = millis();

long total = analogRead(pins[i]);

// check if we are sensing that a finger is touching

// and that it wasnt already pressed

if ((total > threshold) && (! currentPressed[i])) {

//Serial.print(« Key pressed # »); Serial.print(i);

//Serial.print( » (« ); Serial.print(Keys[i]); Serial.println(« ) »);

currentPressed[i] = true;


//note = LOWNOTE + (i & 0x0F) * 8;

usbMIDI.sendNoteOn(60+i, 127, CHANNEL);


else if ((total <= threshold) && (currentPressed[i])) {

// key was released (no touch, and it was pressed before)

//Serial.print(« Key released # »); Serial.print(i);

//Serial.print( » (« ); Serial.print(Keys[i]); Serial.println(« ) »);

currentPressed[i] = false;


usbMIDI.sendNoteOff(60+i, 0, CHANNEL);




while(usbMIDI.read()); // Discard incoming MIDI messages



(photos et vidéos à venir)