Its a keyboard hacking parabola.
The parabola here lets you interact with the game mario in an entirely different manner.
Go ahead go back to go jump and go fire.
Project by Astou and Shefali.
We then recover the electronic card then determine the keys by connecting to the computer and closing the circuit (with alligator clips).
To make our Keyboard hacking we chose the game « Adventure island – Mario ».
We used 2 sheets of cardboard that we folded to give them a parable shape.
We glued pieces of aluminum on our paper handles to act as drivers.
We then soldered electrical cables to the circuit board and taped them to the
aluminum surfaces of the two controllers.
We then used these 2 parables as controllers, depending on where you
press the controller the character of the game can move forward (thanks to g),
back (thanks to the letter f) , jump (thanks to the letter t) or throw objects (thanks to letter r).